在音樂才子Michael Bolton的指導下,亞洲六位潛力素人歌手將接受一系列挑戰,奮力爭取成為下一位亞洲歌唱巨星。 優勝者將有機會參加Michael下次的世界巡迴演唱會,同時成為Subaru品牌大使。
Michael Bolton是一位屢獲葛萊美獎的歌手、作曲家,同時也是一名社會運動實踐家。他在全球的唱片銷量超過6500萬張,至今仍持續在世界各地巡迴演出。
Michael的藝術成就,讓他兩度獲得葛萊美最佳流行男歌手獎、六度獲得全美音樂獎、三度獲得艾美獎提名,並在好萊塢星光大道留下屬於他的那顆星。 作曲方面,他獲得BMI & ASCAP大獎超過24次,包括年度最佳歌曲創作人、九次百萬播放率獎,以及歌曲創作名人堂的年度最佳歌曲創作人獎。Michael擁有9首排名第1的單曲,並有9張錄音專輯登上排行榜前十名,包括第28張專輯《Songs of Cinema》,其中收錄他在全球最具代表性的電影當中,令人耳熟能詳的經典歌曲。
麥可曾與當代一些音樂奇才一起創作歌曲,包括Bob Dylan、Paul Stanley、Lady Gaga、Diane Warren和David Foster。翻唱過他歌曲的人包括KISS樂團、Kanye West、Jay Z、Barbra Streisand、Cher和Marc Anthony。Michael每年都到世界各地巡迴演唱,曾與Luciano Pavarotti、Placido Domingo、Jose Carreras、Renee Fleming和BB King等傳奇歌王歌后同台飆歌。
Michael的歌曲與演唱被無數電視與電影收錄為配樂,包括奧斯卡提名迪士尼動畫片《Hercules》中的主題曲《Go the Distance》,以及Russell Crowe最新電影《Fathers & Daughters》。 他同時是紀錄片《Terror at Home: Domestic Violence in America》的執行製作,而他為該片創作的主題曲《Tears of The Angels》亦榮獲艾美獎提名。
Morissette是一位歌手、饒舌歌手、舞者、精通多種樂器的樂手、女演員,也是一位電視名人。多才多藝的她,14歲時就在菲律賓TV5的《Star Factor》比賽中,以亞軍之姿崛起。她的首張同名專輯大賣,獲得PMPC Star Awards for Music最佳唱片女歌手新人獎,以及菲律賓M.O.R.Pinoy Music Awards年度最佳女歌手獎。
Morissette獨特的音域與多元性融合了許多曲風。她具有廣闊的音域,能夠在當中轉換自如。她最獨特之處,在於她能夠輕鬆飆出海豚音。由於她演唱的大部分歌曲都需要深厚的實唱(Belting)功力,因此菲律賓電視節目ASAP將她譽為「Birit」皇后(即「Belter」皇后)之一。她為《Crazy Beautiful You》、《You're Still the One》等各種電影獻唱了主題曲。
Our grand finalists stage the performance of their lives, but there can only be ONE winner.
Dealing with the limelight? Asia's Next Top Model S6 finalists share their thoughts
AsNTM S6 finalist Mia Sabathy and winner Dana Slosar impart their words of wisdom to our Asian Dream Final 3 on what it takes to shine in the limelight.
Episode 6 I Linh & Tyen cry backstage after Karl's emotional elimination
Our finalists Linh and Tyen, and judge Morissette shared an emotional moment backstage, after Karl's journey on Asian Dream ended yesterday.
Karl Zarate goes out on a HIGH (Farewell performance)
Do everything with love and passion. Be like Karl. ❤️
Episode 6: Top of the Pops I Recap
The judges make the call on who makes it to the finals.
Poova's final message and performance after her Asian Dream journey comes to an end. We will miss you, Poova ❤️
Tyen Rasif & Linh Tran duet 'Just Give Me a Reason'
Tyen and Linh test their opposing music styles with this duet rendition of Pink and Nate Ruess' 'Just Give Me a Reason'.
Karl Zarate & Poova Sri Rama duet 'Alone'
Karl and Poova team up to hit the big notes in Heart's 'Alone'. Can this unlikely duo find that spark of chemistry to fulfil their #AsianDream ?
Episode 5 I Linh loses her cool again after screwing up duet performance
Singing in harmony proves to be Linh's weakness once again as she struggles to deliver in the latest performance.
Episode 5: Duel of the Duet I Recap
The contestants have to work together in a duet. One more is sent home.
Jannine Weigel on making tough decisions: “I've so much respect for Michael Bolton & Morissette!”
We speak with singer, actress and YouTuber Jannine Weigel on being a guest judge on Asian Dream. What is it like meeting Michael Bolton, Morissette, and the contestants for the first time?
Guest Mentor Tan Kheng Hua from Singapore Shares Her Thoughts
How do you get aspiring musicians to truly connect with a song and each other? By engaging award-winning actress Tan Kheng Hua as a mentor of course! Find out what it takes to draw out their emotions, what being a performer means to her, and what she thinks of each contestant's potential!
Who's Most Likely To... Win Asian Dream?
Our Final 3 contestants ask each other a series of random questions (and a REALLY TOUGH one), with honest results.
Singing for a place in the Final on Episode 6
The Top 3 go all out for just two spots in the Grand Finale. After rounds of heartbreak, hard work and sheer determination, only the most complete artists will make it through.
Michael Bolton sings his own songs at karaoke? (Judges True or False)
In this game of true or false, Morissette finds out the most important truth of all time: Does Michael Bolton sing Michael Bolton songs at karaoke? From KISS to Kanye West, some of these truths about the Grammy award-winning legend will blow your mind!
Poova Sri Rama forgets the lyrics, Karl Zarate hits the right notes
Unprepared for an impromptu Open Mic Night, Poova forgets the lyrics midway through the performance. But Karl steals the show by taking a gamble with Sam Mendes' In My Blood.
Morissette gives our Final 4 a master class on stage presence (Extended performance)
Resident judge and mentor Morissette shows our Final 4 contestants how it's done by performing her take on a Whitney Houston classic. Watch and learn!
When Tyen Rasif and Linh Tran surprise the judges
Linh performs an energetic reggae rendition of an Alicia Keys hit in front of judges Michael Bolton, Morissette and Subaru Ambassador Mild Nawin. Tyen goes with a different take on Fight Song.
Episode 4: My Own Beat I Recap
The contestants are brought out for the night, and find out they are the evening's entertainment.
Episode 4 I Judges' brutal honest reaction to Open Mic Night
The final 4 contestants have just delivered an impromptu performance in front of revellers on a night out. Watch on to see what our judges think.
Chubby Bunny Shake It Off Challenge (feat Asian Dream contestants)
Our Asian Dream contestants try a twist on an old challenge with a Taylor Swift dance hit.
Who is Morissette's first crush? (Game of Firsts)
What was Morissette's first impression of Michael Bolton? And can she cook to save her life? Morissette reveals it all in this Game of Firsts.
Sasha's final message and performance after her Asian Dream journey comes to an end. We will miss you Sasha ❤️
Song featured: Mama - Sasha Ka
Asian Dream contestants move and sing with Shake It Off (Taylor Swift cover)-
Dance the Monday Blues Away!
Song featured: Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Episode 3: All That Jazz I Recap
The contestants can sing but can they sing AND dance?
Episode 3 I Team Million Reasons FALLOUT continues
Linh's #AsianDream journey continues, but not everyone is pleased to see her remain in the competition.
Guest judge Ho Ngoc Ha REVEALS her top 3 favourite contestants
It's all about owning the limelight in our latest episode. We ask Vietnamese singer and actress Ho Ngoc Ha on who she thinks shined the brightest?
Becky's final message and performance after her Asian Dream journey comes to an end. We will miss you, Becky ❤️
Lady Gaga (Cover by Tyen Rasif, Poova Sri Rama, Linh Tran)
Watch this powerful a cappella performance from last week's episode.
True Colors - Cyndi Lauper (Cover by Becky Yeung, Sasha Ka, Karl Zarate)
Enjoy and be moved by this heartfelt a cappella performance from last week's episode
In a true test of teamwork, our 6 aspiring singers hop into the Subaru Forester for some carpool karaoke. Watch as they travel through the heart of Singapore city, singing “Million Reasons” and “True Colours”. Will they be able to nail the perfect harmony together in a short space of time?
Our 6 aspiring singers have shown they are willing to do everything to go far into the competition, but who has the furthest range of vocals? Watch on to find out.
Morissette and contestants REACT to their Instagram pics
We find out what Asian Dream judge Morissette and our contestants think about their own photos on Instagram.
Episode 2 I Linh's EPIC meltdown scene
Linh struggles to harmonise with Poova and Tyen's “diva” voices. Watch the moment she releases her frustrations on the team.
Michael Bolton & Morissette Word for Word
Find out what Michael Bolton really thinks of resident mentor Morissette, and more, in this quickfire word association game.
Perfect – Ed Sheeran (Cover by Linh Tran)
Check out Linh's performance from last week's world premiere. Song featured: Perfect – Ed Sheeran.
Beautiful – Christina Aguilera (Cover by Sasha Ka)
Listen to Sasha's moving performance from last week's world premiere.
Mercy- Duffy (Cover by Tyen Rasif)
Give an ear to Tyen's catchy performance from last week's world premiere. Song featured: Mercy – Duffy.
EPISODE 2: Three in Glee | Recap
The first challenge is thrown at the contestants. They have to sing together without musical accompaniment.
Fallin’ - Alicia Keys (Cover by Poova Sri Rama)
Get a load of Poova's take on this debut single and signature of Alicia Keys.
How Am I Supposed To Live Without You- Michael Bolton (Cover by Karl Zarate)
Enjoy Karl's take on a classic by Asian Dream judge and mentor Michael Bolton.
Fathers & Daughters - Michael Bolton (Cover by Becky Yeung)
Listen to Becky Yeung's rendition of this hit by Asian Dream judge and Grammy Award winner Michael Bolton.
Subaru Flash Challenge (with Becky and Sasha)
Sasha and Becky team up in this 8-minute songwriting challenge set by Morissette.
Resident mentor and judge Morissette's knowledge of the contestants is put to the test. How well does she understand these 6 aspiring singers and their different personalities?
A chance to impress. The 6 aspiring singers arrived in Singapore and met judges Michael Bolton and Morissette for the first time. Who will be the next Asian Singing Sensation?
We check in with 6 of our aspiring singers to find out what are the things they cannot live without, ahead of Thursday's Asian Dream World Premiere.
It's getting closer to the World Premiere of Asian Dream and we have asked our 6 aspiring singers to describe themselves in 3 words.
Michael Bolton和Morissette Amon評論對各參賽者的表現。
不如看看Michael Bolton和Morissette Amon對Asian Dream「亞洲之星 夢想啟航」每位選手的第一印象。
於30年前一曲成名,Michael Bolton分享了如何奠定佢往後的職業生涯。
對於充滿抱負嘅歌手,練習哪種樂器才是最佳之選?如何練習才會變得更上一層樓?成功的秘訣又是甚麼呢?不妨看看Michael Bolton的獨特見解。
對Michael Bolton而言,成功之路需要的不單止靠天賦才華,更有其他的因素。立即觀看並從中得到啟發吧!
Michael Bolton與同為評審及得獎無數的歌手Morissette Amon迎來全新挑戰。